A new morning

Good morning! It might be time for this blog to wake up, at least a little bit.
As readers of my personal blog in swedish might have noticed I am still alive and I am also soon to be a parent. Any week now. This chilepepper blog went to sleep almost at the same time as we found out that we were having a baby. One reason was that we suddenly got a lot of other things to think about, and another reason was that I didn't feel very well in the first weeks of pregnancy, so there was no interesting cooking, no hot food at all and basically no energy at all.
Last year's harvest though was really good. We had a lot of jalapeños and habaneros, and a fair amount of other species. We have had a lot of spicy dinners during fall and winter, but we haven't really tried so many new interesting things.
During this time Matli has been doing a lot of work for the swedish chilepepper society, Svenska Chilepeppar Föreningen [sic!]. Their website and also their internal databases for managing members, emails and stuff were really bad, but now the situation is much better. Matli is now also a board member of SCF. If you are swedish and you like hot food I think you should join the club! Give it a try!
Yesterday we finally got our seeds for this year into the dirt, so now we're hoping for another great harvest. We've figured out that this year is the last year we can put our plants just about anywhere. Next year we'll have a one year old kid running around putting fun colored fruits into the mouth...
We'll see if we can keep up any blogging when our baby arrives, but at least we will probably stay at home more than usual this year, and from today and for the rest of the year I am a full time at home parent, even though the baby isn't actually born yet. So we could sum up this by saying that we have some different things growing here, and we'll see what results that might bring!