Chilepepper and spice

Hot food can be really cool.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Getting it all together again

The Internet seems to be back, at least most of the time. The husband is back, but mostly asleep since he brought home the flu. Hopefully it is the flu, since I have had a vaccination. I can't feel anything yet, so maybe, maybe I'll make it this time without getting ill.

Nothing really new to write about, but something really old. Now what is this?

It's something we had about a month ago that yet hasn't been blogged about. It's pasta and banana and pork and jalapeƱos... and all I remember was that it was great, especially the bananas. But what was the trick? Maybe the husband is feeling a bit better and can fill in...

(Don't miss out my other kind of new blog! You'll find it at )

So, Matli, can you fill in some here or will we just keep it a forgotten secret?

[Ehrm. I don't remember much about that dish... /Matli]


At 5:32 AM, December 01, 2010, Anonymous Emma said...

A pleasant holiday shopping season to you and your readers. Thanks for continuing these posts on your blog.


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